More on the Gospel – From Paul Washer

Hi Dear Readers,

We hope you are getting some good content from the website so far. And that you have our initial post on the Gospel found here:

What is the Gospel?


I found the below video from Paul Washer (one of my favourite preachers) which I think is helpful and also gives the implications of the gospel in the daily life of a believer. Enjoy!


Author: David Nikoi

I am David Kotei Nikoi and by the grace of God, I have come to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour for a number of years now. I am married to Wilhelmina and we have 2 lovely children. It has always been my passion to see Christ continue saving others just as He did to me and I hope this site can be used in God's own way to both draw people to Christ and to strengthen those who would desire a closer walk with Him and are not satisfied with the state of visible Christianity particularly in Ghana at the moment. Hope you enjoy the content!